Painting Landscapes with David Dunlop - Painting DVDs
Each 2-hour DVD
Using techniques of the old masters as well as contemporary methods, David Dunlop brings you a wealth of information, demonstrations, encouragement, tips, and insights in this aapproximately 2-hour DVDs. Learn new methods to dramatically improve your eye, your composition, painting and you landscapes. David begins in his studio and diagrams several master paintings. He then takes you tovarious locations in Connecticut where he diagrams the scene and completes a plein air painting. He returns to his studio to demonstrate several finishing techniques which could be applied to a painting.
  • Enjoy David's Unique Intergrative Approach to Art
  • Explore Composition and Design
  • Learn Techiques of the Masters
  • Learn Composition and Design
  • Vist Beautiful Locations
  • Explore Color Mixing Techniques
All Four DVDs
Products 1

All Four DVDs (6.5 hours of Programs)
Enjoy a crash course by David Dunlop with all four of his art instructional DVDs.

$91.96 ($114.95)
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Any Three DVDsProducts 1

Any Three DVDs of the Series
$79.96 ($99.95)
Enjoy a crash course by David Dunlop with any three of his art instructional DVDs.
- PLEASE NOTE that the Acrylic DVD will be available January 1, 2017 and will be sent to you then. If you choose to buy it now for the sale price, we will send you a link to the Streaming version so that you can access it before then.

Oil, Acrylic and Watercolor
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Oil, Acylic and Tuscany
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Oil, Watercolor and Tuscany
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  Acrylic, Watercolor and TuscanyAdd to cart

Program 1 - OilProducts 1 Painting Landscapes with David Dunlop - OIL
2 Hour Color DVD -
$31.96 ($39.95)
Using techniques of the old masters as well as contemporary methods, David Dunlop brings you a wealth of information, demonstrations, encouragement, tips, and insights in this 2-hour DVD. Learn new methods to dramatically improve your eye, your composition, painting and you landscapes. David begins in his studio and diagrams several master paintings. He then takes you to a lake in Connecticut where he diagrams the scene and completes a plein air painting. He returns to his studio to demonstrate several finishing techniques which could be applied to a painting. MORE INFO>
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Program 2 - AcrylicProducts 1

Painting Landscapes with David Dunlop - ACRYLIC
2 Hour Color DVD
$31.96 ($39.95)
David continues his series of painting DVDs with an introduction to painting a landscape in acrylic. In this 2-hour DVD, David begins in his studio and diagrams several master paintings. He then takes you to a natural preserve in Connecticut where he diagrams the scene and completes a plein air painting. He returns to his studio to demonstrate several finishing techniques which could be applied to a painting, emphasizing that contemporary eyes may prefer a less finished painting. David is a superb teacher and fills this DVD with his unique style, encouragement and historical perspective. MORE INFO>

2 Hour Color DVD - available 1/1/ 2017   Add to cart
Streaming version of Acrylic Program    

Program 3 - WatercolorProducts 1
Painting Landscapes with David Dunlop - WATERCOLOR
1 hour 45 minute Hour Color DVD
$31.96 ($39.95)
David continues his series of painting DVDs with an introduction to painting a landscape in watercolor. In this 90-minute DVD, David begins in his studio and diagrams several master paintings. He then takes you to a lake in natural preserve in Connecticut where he diagrams the scene and completes a plein air painting. He returns to his studio to give a brief history of watecolor painting. David is a superb, entertaining teacher and fills this DVD with his unique style, encouragement and historical perspective.MORE INFO>
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Program 4 -
Oil in Tuscany
Products 1

Painting Landscapes with David Dunlop - TUSCANY
2 Hour Color DVD
$31.96 ($39.95)
David continues his series of painting DVDs with an introduction to painting a landscape in oil. In this 90-minute DVD, David visits the ancient countryside of Tuscany near the town of Artimino. The DVD has two different demonstrations: 1) a panoramic view of the scenery across a valley near Vinci, close the the trail walked by Leonardo da Vinci on his trips to Florence, and 2) an olive grove near Artinio overlooking a church and a village. David diagrams each scene and completes a plein air painting, discussing the Macchiaoli, or Italian Impressionists who painted in the early 1900's. David is a superb, entertaining teacher and fills this DVD with his unique style, encouragement and historical perspective. MORE INFO>
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